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进入21世纪以来,武装无人机成为新军事技术的象征,理解其军事和战略影响成为重要的课题。在既有的讨论中,支持者沿着功能本位论证无人机让战争变成了精确的外科手术,质疑者从价值本位批评它将战争变成了暗杀。两派在争论中各执一端,但都共享了将无人机器物化和静止化的预设。这些技术预设限制了我们对无人机变革与战争关系的思考,为此,引入技术社会学的“社会-技术系统”的概念。该概念认为技术不是静止的,一直处在变革中,技术变革不是器物的变革,是与器物相关的系统变革,是技术与社会的共同演化。以此观之,无人机不是单独的器物,而是一个与社会无缝连接的系统,其演化的动力是技术利基、客观环境和社会制度三者相互作用,它经历了诞生、发展和制度化三个阶段。当前,无人机系统正处在制度化阶段,它与既有制度在资源分配、独立建制和价值观念上存在冲突和融合。如果没有技术突破和战略环境的剧变,这种冲突和融合将会长时间存在,这决定了当前无人机战争的含混性和复杂性。社会-技术系统的视角有利于思考技术变革和战争变迁的复杂性,并为应对未来的无人机战争提供新的思路和研究方向。  相似文献   
The China Model     
The return of the Middle Kingdom to the center stage of history is the most significant geo‐civilizaitonal development of the 21st Century. China's rise raises anew the great question, thought settled after the Cold War, of what system of governance will stand on the right or wrong side of history. In this section the leading ideologists of the China model and its “peaceful rise” appear alongside the fiercest critics of China's way.  相似文献   
六方会谈与东北亚安全合作机制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
朝核危机的爆发使得构建东北亚安全机制再次成为各国关注的课题。为了解决朝核危机,相关各国先后举行了六轮六方会谈。六方会谈取得了一些进展,也推动了东北亚安全机制的建设,但是作为一个问题机制而存在的六方会谈,不仅受限于朝鲜半岛局势的发展,还深深受限于中美关系的发展和中日之间的结构性矛盾。因此,即使最终能够成功地解决朝核问题,东北亚安全合作机制的建立还将有待于进一步努力。  相似文献   
1998年金大中政府执政后,在总结历届政府处理和解决对朝政策的经验教训、全面分析朝鲜半岛形势和国际形势的现状和发展趋势的基础上,提出了旨在维护和促进朝鲜半岛和平稳定的对朝"和解、合作"政策.在朝韩共同努力下第一次实现了两国首脑会晤,签署了<南北共同宣言>,使南北交流与合作得到一定程度的进展,并稳定了朝鲜半岛和东北亚地区的局势.  相似文献   
As China is entering into the center stage of the world arena, it has become more proactive in regional and global institution-building. Globally, it has been actively involved in the G20 affairs and will be hosting the 2016 G20 Summit in Hangzhou. Regionally, it came up with a major initiative for a new institution, namely, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). This article aims to analyze the new institution's formation, goals and institutional arrangements as well as its implications.  相似文献   
<正>Chinese and U.S.presidents’meetings in Florida chart future bilateral ties China and the United States are two major countries with global influence,and the importance of their relationship is self-evident.After Donald Trump was sworn in as American president,the United States’relationship with China became a subject of speculation.With Trump scrapping a number  相似文献   
进退失据:检视李明博的内外政策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
自李明博政府执政以来,韩国国内外政策起初设定的目标几乎全面落空.由于牛肉风波及接蹱而至的全球金融风暴,韩国经济大有陷入第二次金融危机之虞,不仅所谓的"747计划"很可能成为空中楼阁,而且李明博政府目前根本无力在国内达成应对危机所必需的政治共识.对外政策方面,韩美同盟修复与扩展的议程众多却无实质性举措,美国对朝政策的急剧变化更使韩国手足无措;韩中双边关系虽有提升之名却无突破之实,南北关系在朝方的步步紧逼之下更是走到了全面断绝的边缘.深陷内外危机,却处处应对失策,李明博政府的执政能力正经受严峻的考验.  相似文献   
This article argues that, even though there is a dearth of systematic theorizing, there indeed is a rich IR theoretical discourse in China which developed over the course of the 60 years of the Peoples Republic of China. It attempts to synthesize and analyze that discourse, which largely reflects China’s diplomatic thinking and implicitly or explicitly affects its foreign policy making. It focuses on six sub-topics which include: (1) war, peace, and development; (2) the concept of contradictions; (3) the distribution of power and multipolarity; (4) the new international economic and political order; (5) the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence; and (6) Harmonious World.  相似文献   
Ren Xiao 《East Asia》2011,28(3):219-234
There are different driving forces behind Chinese foreign policy decision-making. Norms, principles, and interests and the subtle combinations of them, I argue in this paper, are the major driving forces on the input side, while the domestic situation of a specific country and international pressure undercut China’s policy deliberations. By contrast, the form of government of a specific country under discussion is not an important variable. In this paper, I use China’s policy toward Myanmar as a case study. The findings prove that the integration of norms, principle and practical interests has formed the powerful impetus that drives China’s policies toward Myanmar. Among these factors, the interests China has identified in general and stability on its “doorstep” in particular play a dominant role, while the norm of human security and the principle of non-interference are embedded in its policy deliberations.  相似文献   
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